White Yale graduate student called police on peer for napping in a common room

This is reportedly not the first time the white student called the police on a black student

Published May 11, 2018 7:12PM (EDT)

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(f11photo via Shutterstock)

This article originally appeared on AlterNet.

This article originally appeared on AlterNet.

AlterNetA black graduate student at Yale spent more than 15 minutes being interrogated on her own campus because a white classmate reported her to campus police for napping in a common room.

Lolade Siyonbola’s name was misspelled in the school's system,  leading to the lengthy interrogation.

“I deserve to be here; I paid tuition like everybody else; I am not going to justify my existence here,” Siyonbola told one of the officers. “I am not going to be harassed.”

The white student who reported Siyonbola is said to have called the police months prior when she witnessed a black friend of Siyonbola lost in the building.

“I have every right to call the police,” the unnamed student said as she filmed Siyonbola in the most recent incident, who was also filming her.

The Yale Police Department said it was "following protocol" in responding to the white student's call on Siyonbola.

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