Vet group calls President Trump's Memorial Day message "the most inappropriate"

Trump praised his economy and the unemployment rate of people of color and women in a tweet about Memorial Day

Published May 28, 2018 11:28AM (EDT)

 (AP/Manuel Balce Ceneta)
(AP/Manuel Balce Ceneta)

President Donald Trump commemorated Memorial Day on Monday with a tweet that only the 45th president would find appropriate.

Trump wished everyone a happy Memorial Day before he congratulated himself for his perceived achievements.

For any other president, the message would have reflected a new low for the Oval Office. But it's this type of sentiment and self-flattery that Americans have grown accustomed with Trump. Some people, including the team behind VoteVets, a veterans group dedicated to electing progressive veterans, have chosen not to allow Trump's depravity to become normalized. The group responded to Trump's tweet on Monday, calling it the "most inappropriate" and "appalling."

It wasn't just the self-serving lip service that provoked outrage on Twitter. It was that Trump was speaking for fallen soldiers to promote his agenda.

The current president often advertises himself as a fighter for veterans of the military. Yet Trump's actual track record in this area is far from pristine. The president notoriously disgraced Sen. John McCain for being a prisoner of war. He started a feud with a Muslim family of a slain U.S. soldier, Human Saqib Muazzam Khan.

Trump's latest comment on veterans only proves that Trump's first and only concern is himself. After Trump's Memorial Day tweet, the president returned to his normal Monday routine: Tweeting about the investigation into Russia election interference.

For every tweet about Memorial Day, Trump had two tweets about "Spygate" — his new conspiracy theory that delegitimizes the investigation into his campaign. Trump tweeted Monday that former acting Attorney General Sally Yates was "part of concerns" and that the Obama administration took actions that "goes to the heart of our electoral system."

A normal Monday for the president.

By Taylor Link

MORE FROM Taylor Link

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