Mike Pompeo admits North Korea meeting went "as badly as it could have gone"

Trump's Secretary of State thinks traveling to North Korea was a mistake

Published July 11, 2018 4:31PM (EDT)

Mike Pompeo; Kim Jong-un; Donald Trump (Getty/AP/Salon)
Mike Pompeo; Kim Jong-un; Donald Trump (Getty/AP/Salon)

This article originally appeared on Raw Story.

As President Donald Trump’s one-on-one meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin approaches, Russia experts are growing increasingly anxious that he’ll blow the opportunity.

On Tuesday, CNN reported that Secretary of State Mark Pompeo, who’d helped oversee Donald Trump’s meeting with King Jong-un, thinks that his own meeting with the North Korean officials had not gone according to plan.

According to sources, Pompeo said it went “as badly as it could have gone.”

Watch the full report below from CNN:


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