This free workflow course may be the career boost you need

Published August 9, 2018 12:00PM (EDT)

Digital transformation has become imperative for organizations that wish to remain competitive in today’s tech-enabled landscape. But many business leaders and their employees are resistant to its changes; some are unfamiliar with new technology; some are uncomfortable with the constant cycle of testing, failing, and evolving inherent to the process. Meanwhile, many of those that are willing to transform aren’t sure how to go about it without bringing productivity to a standstill. And yet, digital transformation is an eventuality. The best strategy—even for the holdouts and especially for the neophytes—is to get educated today.

To that end, there’s Digital Strength. This free 12-month course curriculum, taught by the experts from HelloSign, provides steadfast digital transformation guidance to people at all levels of an organization. You’ll learn tips, insights, and foolproof methods for organizing, leading, executing, and measuring transformation programs. For any professional looking to become a change-maker within their company, Digital Strength is an essential education experience.

As a subscriber, you’ll get a new course every month, spanning an entire year. Each one includes expert advice from digital transformation pros, as well as an in-depth white paper and companion video. Whenever a new lesson goes live, you’ll get an email notification and a link to access it. You can also revisit previously completed courses whenever you want via the Digital Strength site. Your course load will include:

Digital Transformation: What and Why?

An intro to digital transformation, and a breakdown of why companies should understand its impact on modern business.

Who is Responsible for Digital Transformation?

A discussion on the ownership of digital transformation—whether it belongs to company leadership or should begin as a grassroots initiative.

Securing Your Digital Transformation

A look at modern IT security and the responsibilities of an organization as it pertains to governance, risk, and compliance.

Not One Size Fits All—Discovering What Kind of Transformer You Are

An analysis of the various approaches to digital transformation, and advice for determining the one that works best for your org.

Developing Your Digital Transformation Strategy

An exploration of the roles of those responsible for your digital transformation strategy, as well as the goals they’ll need to aim for.

Top Down—Transforming in a Leader-Led Style

A breakdown of the top-down approach to digital transformation, including advice to leaders whose employees need more motivation.

Ready yourself and your colleagues for a bright future by beginning your Digital Strength curriculum. Sign up for this free program today, and take a giant step towards growing your career.

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