White nationalist "Unite the Right" rally sees a poor turnout, overwhelmed by counterprotesters

The protest organizers said 100-400 white nationalists would be assembling, but only about 50 showed up

Published August 12, 2018 4:54PM (EDT)

 (AP Photo/Sait Serkan Gurbuz)
(AP Photo/Sait Serkan Gurbuz)

All of Washington braced this week for the "Unite the Right" rally. No one wanted to relive the terror that was seen in Charlottesville, Virginia last year.

Fortunately for the residents of nation's capitol, the white nationalists hosting the rally saw low turnout. Jason Kessler, the white supremacist who organized the rally, filled out a permit to register the protest and indicated 100 to 400 people would be attending his rally.

Less than 50 people attended, according to reporters in Washington.

The real story in Washington was the sheer numbers of counterprotesters that assembled to fight the white nationalists' message. Reports indicated that over 1,000 people, from communists and socialists to those who lean just to the left of center, came out to protest the "Unite the Right" rally.

Their presence may have deterred some white nationalists from coming out. According to "Unite the Right" attendees, some people were "too afraid" to attend the rally.

They also might have been too embarrassed. Many people on Twitter mocked the "Unite the Right" participants and were delighted that the white nationalists were grossly outnumbered by the leftists.

By Taylor Link

MORE FROM Taylor Link

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