"Saturday Night Live" roasts the GOP as a frat boys' party in Kavanaugh confirmation skit

Democrats were depicted as born losers while the GOP was mocked as being a gross boys club

Published October 7, 2018 11:30AM (EDT)

Demonstrators protest against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, as they march to the U.S. Supreme Court, on Oct. 4, 2018. (AP/Salon)
Demonstrators protest against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, as they march to the U.S. Supreme Court, on Oct. 4, 2018. (AP/Salon)

"Saturday Night Live" reacted to the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court with a skit that took aim at the frat boy culture of the Republican Party and the utter incompetence of their Democratic counterparts.

On the Republican end, the "Saturday Night Live" skit showed members of the Senate GOP partying in a frat boy manner similar to the persona that Kavanaugh had cultivated during his high school and college years. Highlights included hearing Montell Jordan’s "This Is How We Do It" in the background, seeing Sen. Jeff Flake (Pete Davidson) take pride in being known as "Flake the Snake" and admitting that he never planned on opposing Kavanaugh's confirmation, Sen. Lindsey Graham (Kate McKinnon) laugh about how Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin "scored in his own goal" and how the Republicans in general use terms like "boofing" (which appeared in Kavanaugh's yearbook) to describe their upcoming partying antics.

"We could tell that people really wanted Kavanaugh. Everyone is pumped, from white men over 60 to white men over 70!" Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (Beck Bennett) proclaimed at one point in the skit. The McConnell parody also compared the GOP's victory over Kavanaugh's confirmation to "Vietnam."

"The last thing I wanted was to make this about me — that’s why I told everyone to tune in at 3 p.m. so I could tell all my female supporters, ‘Psych!'" exclaimed Sen. Susan Collins (Cecily Strong). "Listen, I think it’s important to believe women until it’s time to stop."

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Strong's Collins added, "But I also believe that, you know, I'm a guys' gal, okay? I can party with the big dogs. And whoo whoo! We're gonna have fun tonight!"

"That's our girl! Our one girl!" Sen. John Kennedy (Kyle Mooney) exclaimed as Collins gave her interview.

"Now we're gonna party like it's 2020 when Susan Rice takes my seat," Strong's Collins concluded.

The Democratic side, meanwhile, depicted a forlorn Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (Alex Moffat) admitting that the Democrats lost "it's what we do now" and admitting that "we thought this time would be better than the Anita Hill hearing because Dr. Ford was white, but then it turned out Brett Kavanaugh was white too and, you know, we were completely blindsided by that."

If there was a single joke in the skit that deserved to be remembered as the best one, it would have been McKinnon's Graham telling CNN that "How amazing is this? We made a lot of women real worried today, but I’m not getting pregnant, so I don’t care." Because, at least when it comes to the possibility of Kavanaugh being the deciding vote in overturning Roe v. Wade, that really is the bottom line — the GOP made sure he got across the goal post, despite the sexual misconduct accusations against him and the likelihood that he would roll back women's rights, because (with the exception of Collins) those decisions don't effect the group of which they are a part.

By Matthew Rozsa

Matthew Rozsa was a staff writer at Salon. He received a Master's Degree in History from Rutgers-Newark in 2012 and was awarded a science journalism fellowship from the Metcalf Institute in 2022.

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