Senator Lindsey Graham schooled over lie-filled tweet about Trump and Obama

Sen. Graham's undergone a transformation from thorn in Trump's side to a sycophantic, sophistic lapdog

Published November 5, 2018 10:19PM (EST)

 (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)
(AP Photo/Susan Walsh)

This article originally appeared on Raw Story

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) on Monday posted a lie-filled tweet about job numbers under Barack Obama and Donald Trump—and was immediately schooled.

“If @BarackObama's jobs numbers were anywhere close to what we’re talking about with President @realDonaldTrump......the media would stop the Earth from rotating to make sure everybody heard about it!” wrote Graham, a former Trump opponent who now appears in lock step with the president.

During the last 21 months of Obama’s presidency, the U.S. economy created  4,477,000 new jobs; in his first 20 months as president, Trump has presided over an economy that grew by 4,054,000.

As the New York Times’ Peter Baker writes, “job creation is no better now than it was under Obama. What is striking is that the recovery continues so long after it started.”


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