During a panel discussion, CNN played a clip of Trump trashing McRaven, even as Fox News’ Chris Wallace reminded the president that “he led the command of operations that took down bin Laden.”
Trump, however, was dismissive of McRaven’s accomplishments.
“He’s a Hillary Clinton backer and an Obama backer and frankly… wouldn’t it have been nice if we would have gotten bin Laden earlier than that?” he said.
Panelist Catherine Rampell tore Trump to pieces for going after McRaven while pointing out the multiple draft deferments Trump got during the Vietnam War due to purported “bone spurs” in his feet.
“President Bone Spurs is mocking a revered military hero who took down bin Laden and claiming, ‘Well, he should have been done it earlier,'” she said. “Trump is someone who dodged the draft himself. Who is he to say that this revered military hero didn’t do his job?”
Panelist Jeffrey Toobin further piled on Trump by pointing out that he couldn’t even have been bothered to honor fallen American soldiers because it was too rainy.
“We don’t know whether McRaven would have had the courage to stand in the rain at Arlington Cemetery,” he said sarcastically.
Watch the video below.