"Alert the day care staff": A Republican senator just compared President Trump to a child

Retiring Republican Sen. Bob Corker insulted Trump insulted him on Twiter

Published December 24, 2018 9:31AM (EST)

Bob Corker; Donald Trump at a rally (Getty/Salon)
Bob Corker; Donald Trump at a rally (Getty/Salon)

Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., compared Donald Trump to a wayward child in a tweet responding to the president's recent insult against the southern Republican.

"Yes, just like Mexico is paying for the wall... #AlertTheDaycareStaff," Sen. Corker tweeted on Sunday afternoon. He was responding to a tweet sent out by Trump earlier that day in which he said, "Senator Bob Corker just stated that, 'I’m so priveledged to serve in the Senate for twelve years, and that’s what I told the people of our state that’s what I’d do, serve for two terms.' But that is Not True - wanted to run but poll numbers TANKED when I wouldn’t endorse him....."

Trump also tweeted about Corker, ".....Bob Corker was responsible for giving us the horrible Iran Nuclear Deal, which I ended, yet he badmouths me for wanting to bring our young people safely back home. Bob wanted to run and asked for my endorsement. I said NO and the game was over. #MAGA I LOVE TENNESSEE!"

Trump and Tennessee senator have a longstanding feud fueled by the latter's willingness to criticize the president. Last year Corker tweeted that "the White House has become an adult day care center" in response to reports that former national security adviser H. R. McMaster had referred to Trump as an "idiot" and a "dope" with the intelligence of a "kindergartner." When Corker made that insult, he was joining the ranks of other Republican foreign policy leaders who openly expressed their disdain for the president, such as Secretary of State Rex Tillerson describing Trump as a "moron" for comparing deciding on troop levels to opening up a restaurant in New York City.

The tension between Trump and Corker has spread to the president's supporters, who booed the incumbent senator during a May rally intended to marshal support for then-candidate Marsha Blackburn. Corker reiterated his dissatisfaction with the president last month when he condemned Trump's defense of Saudi Arabia despite that government's role in the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

"I never thought I’d see the day a White House would moonlight as a public relations firm for the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia," Corker tweeted in November. "Congress will consider all of the tools at our disposal to respond, including requiring by law a determination on the role of MbS" and "'Maybe he did and maybe he didn’t' won’t cut it. So tonight, @SenatorMenendez and I sent a second Global Magnitsky letter to the president requiring that he specifically determine whether Saudi Crown Prince Mohamed bin Salman is responsible for the murder of Jamal #Khashoggi."

By Matthew Rozsa

Matthew Rozsa was a staff writer at Salon. He received a Master's Degree in History from Rutgers-Newark in 2012 and was awarded a science journalism fellowship from the Metcalf Institute in 2022.

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