Anyone who loves hiking, camping and other outdoor adventures knows that you’ve got to be prepared for the elements. Investing in quality tents, tough boots, rugged coats, and a cooking kit will help you brave the weather and comfortably enjoy your time in nature. Flashlights are a vital tool for hiking at dusk or spending the night under the stars. The Army Gear Ultimate LED Bundle is a Special Forces-inspired set of flashlights that will light up your next campground.
All of the lights in this three-piece bundle have high-efficiency LED bulbs housed in waterproof, indestructible aluminum and plastic. The tactical lantern lights up campgrounds or stops on the trail with 1,000 lumens of brightness. The collapsible aluminum shell protects the LED bulb, and it expands to eight inches high when it’s in use.
The bundle’s tactical flashlight features five distinct lighting modes and a rotatable chassis that switches your beam from a wide flood light to a narrow spotlight. If you need a hands-free light for exploring, the included headlamp secures firmly around your forehead for a bright light that won’t budge.
The Army Gear Ultimate LED Bundle typically costs a hefty $99.99, but you can enjoy brighter, safer outdoor excursions right now for just $25 (74% off).

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