April showers bring May flowers, but the start of spring also heralds Tax Day. No matter how organized you’ve been regarding your 2018 income, it’s easy to miss some opportunities for deductions or write-offs. TaxSlayer Classic provides everything you need to get the financial benefits you deserve for less than $15.
TaxSlayer Classic helps you confidentially prepare, print and e-file forms for all tax situations. You can itemize all of your deductions and credits. All the schedules, forms, and resources you need are at your fingertips for safe filing. If you used a different online tax service to file last year, you can switch over to TaxSlayer with a few clicks by uploading your previous return from a different tax service.
If the IRS has a state or federal inquiry about your tax returns, TaxSlayer will work with you to resolve it up to one year after the IRS accepts your e-file. TaxSlayer also guarantees up 100% accurate calculations (including tax law changes), so you can kick back with complete peace of mind. If your tax situation is a little more complicated than the standard 9-to-5 filing, TaxSlayer’s Self-Employed and Premium options are also available to help you out.
Usually, it costs $17 to file quickly and securely with TaxSlayer, but right now you can make Tax Day a breeze with their Classic plan for only $11.99 (29% off).

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