You’ve got to have a digital marketing plan if you’re going to make the most of your business opportunities on the web. Diving into internet marketing without a solid foundation of online knowledge can put you in an advertising hole that’s tough to get out of. The Internet Marketing Mastery Bundle is your A-to-Z guide to becoming a full-fledged digital marketer.
This five-course bundle takes a deep dive into the world of internet marketing. You’ll start off by learning how to perform great internet research, learning as much as you can about your industry so you can choose the best keywords for your product or service. The class will also cover how to create outlines for the various stages of your digital marketing plan, then you’ll move on to mastering Google AdWords.
Once you’ve set up your AdWords account and created your ad campaigns, you’ll discover the ICE method (Impact, Confidence, and Ease) for determining your client’s needs. This entire bundle is recognized by the International Accreditation Organization, and it’s accessible from any device, so you can study 24/7 from anywhere.
The Internet Marketing Mastery Bundle typically costs $429, but right now it’s on sale for only $19 (95% off).

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