What do you listen to while you work? Whether it's classical music, pop hots, hip hop classics or mellow ambient sounds, we've got some surprising news: it might be pleasant to tune out the sound of noisy coworkers, but what you're listening to probably isn't the most conducive to your success. That doesn't mean you need to sit around in silence while you try to finish your work — this Focus@Will: Lifetime Premium Subscription curates tunes scientifically proven to help you be more productive.
This subscription is used by employees at Apple, Microsoft, SpaceX and Amazon — and when some of the most efficient people around are swearing by a service, you know it works. Focus@Will features more than 50 channels of exclusively curated music specifically designed to improve the way you tackle your work. The program is scientifically proven to increase your attention span and even increases your productivity by 400%.
Most office environments these days are open to encourage collaboration — Focus@Will helps reduce distractions, letting you work through timed sections and do better work. Take your pick between channels ranging from acoustical, ambient, alpha chill, focus spa, classical piano, electro bach and more.
Start working better today: usually this Focus@Will: Lifetime Premium Subscription is $299.95, but you can get it here for $69.95. Use coupon code MADNESS15 for an extra 15% off the sale price.

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