Most children bound out of bed early in the morning, ready to play and take on the day. By the time you’re an adult, your sleep schedule isn’t as friendly towards early-morning commitments, and you need a daily dose of java to kickstart your brain. You can add a touch of childhood fun to your AM routine with the Build-On Brick Mug. It’s a customizable cup that’s on sale for an extra 15% off.
The Build-On Brick Mug will light a creative fire in you and inspire jealousy in your co-workers. The cup is designed with a familiar peg and hole surface, and you can build on it with any of the major toy construction blocks on the market. You can craft spaceships, towers, entire cities and more with LEGOs, Pixel Blocks, Kre-O toys or Mega Bloks. The mug’s food-grade, BPA-free plastic stands up to piping hot coffee, and it holds a solid 12 ounces of your favorite morning blend.
This innovative mug typically sells for $39.99, but right now you can play with your food every morning for only $19.99. Add the coupon code MADNESS15 at checkout, and you’ll get an extra 15% off — that’s only $16.99 for a coffee cup with endless possibilities.

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