Got leftover chicken to use? You've got a quick meal on your hands with this winning pot pie recipe

If you have leftover chicken to use, you have a quick meal on your hands . . .

Published May 23, 2019 8:38PM (EDT)

Chicken Pot Pie (Skyhorse Publishing)
Chicken Pot Pie (Skyhorse Publishing)

Excerpted with permission from "Mom's Comfort Food: Meals, Sides, and Desserts to Bring Warmth and Contentment to Your Table" by Joyce Klynstra. Copyright 2019 by Skyhorse Publishing, Inc.

In the late 1950s my mom and her sister ran a drive-in restaurant in a small town on the west side of Michigan. At the time, my twin sister Judy and I were in eighth grade. We waited tables and my mom and Aunt Meme worked their magic cooking classic Midwestern fare in the kitchen. I inherited my love of cooking from my mom, and I've followed in her footsteps serving up meals to family, friends, and community. Of course, my favorite meals have always been for family and friends.

My book, Mom's Comfort Food is a culmination of over 50 years of collecting and tweaking recipes. Many of my recipes were once written on cards and swapped with friends and family. The thing I've long understood is that community, friendship, and joy can be found around the table of a wonderful meal. I couldn't be happier than I am preparing a meal for the many people I love.

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I like to use store-bought pie crust for this pot pie. If you have leftover chicken to use, you have a quick meal on your hands!

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Recipe: Chicken Pot Pie

Serves 6-8

  • 2 unbaked pie crusts
  • 1 (29-ounce) can of Veg-All homestyle large cut vegetables
  • 2 (101/2-ounce) cans cream of potato soup
  • 2 cups cooked diced chicken
  • 1/4 teaspoon thyme
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1 beaten egg

Preheat oven to 375°F.

Put one crust in 9-inch pie plate.

Mix Veg-All, soup, chicken, thyme, and milk in a medium bowl.

Put vegetable mixture in crust.

Cover with the second crust. Crimp and seal edges.

Slit top crust and brush with beaten egg.

Bake for 40 minutes.



By Joyce Klynstra

My book, Mom’s Comfort Food is a culmination of over 50 years of collecting and tweaking recipes.

MORE FROM Joyce Klynstra

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