Having a comprehensive, targeted marketing strategy in place should be the focus of any organization, large or small. Your marketing plan has the responsibility of establishing how your brand looks and sounds across all mediums — as well as how your product or service speaks to your unique audience. In essence, your marketing strategy determines how successful your company is. The 2019 State of Marketing Report helps you navigate the tricky world of deciding which strategies to employ and which ones to let go of — helping establish your business' success and increase sales.
This collection includes 90 dashboards that offer up clear guidance through the fork-in-the-road decision making you're bound to encounter. They take on the perspective of a marketing executive and leader, helping you set healthy budgets, repeatable strategies, smart tactics and more.
It also includes a benchmark report that's full of both useful and actionable information to help you as you grow your company — plus, it includes hundreds of insights from marketing executives who've experienced similar challenges running a business, from all different types of organizations spanning a wide range of sizes and industries.
Explore multiple strategic directions without any of the risks, while learning the top tactics marketers use as integral components of their plans. Usually the 2019 State of Marketing Report is $290, but you can get it here for $39.
