If getting up to give a presentation gives you the jitters and you can barely make it through a meeting without your palms getting sweaty, you're not alone. Public speaking is intimidating — but it's also a fundamental skill. Whether you're trying to convince your interviewer you're the right choice for your dream job or you're trying to get your point across in a crowded room, this Pay What You Want: The Public Speaking Master Class Bundle is your guide to communicating more successfully.
This bundle includes three courses that detail how to engage an audience, understand body language and respond to it, as well as master the art of small talk. You'll learn how to captivate your audience and keep them listening by quickly identifying their goals — that includes how to create a PowerPoint that acts as a roadmap for your major points without losing anyone's attention.
The bundle also includes an easy 5-step approach to help your audience believe you, listen to you and most importantly, trust you. Part of that includes how to avoid sending mixed messages with your body language and expand your understanding of matching and mirroring body language. There's even a course that dives into how body language is affected by cultural differences and how you can use your understanding of body language to set a great first impression, every time.
Usually this Pay What You Want: The Public Speaking Master Class Bundle is $597, but you can get it here for up to 99% off.
