Any savvy marketer understands that in order to help grow a company's audience, you need to understand how to increase your brand's online authority. These days, there might not be a better way to engage people than through using digital strategies and platforms. This Silicon Valley Digital Marketer Bundle breaks down digital marketing best practices, and how to apply them for various tools— whether you're learning how to write effective copy, to how to use Google AdWords to your advantage.
The bundle includes 11 courses and more than 60 hours of training covering copywriting, social media marketing, email marketing, and digital advertising. You'll learn how to write a mission statement that propels your company forward and how to write educational, effective copy that helps solve problems (versus simply pitching a product or service). There are also courses focused on using Facebook and Instagram to your advantage, including how to optimize your Facebook ads for increased conversions and decreased costs, and build a huge Instagram following that can actually provide profit.
You'll also learn how to set up Google AdWords for success and how to build and use your email marketing list to grow your business presence online.
Usually, the Silicon Valley Digital Marketer Bundle is $1633, but you can get it here for $35.
