For any person specializing in marketing, it can feel overwhelming to sort through the sheer number of platforms available at your disposal to create a holistic digital marketing strategy. Luckily, there are sources out there that help you break down the way these platforms should be used, so you can maximize your marketing dollar. This Pay What You Want: The Digital Marketing Certification Training Bundle includes ten courses that help you figure out the proper way to use everything from Facebook advertising to Google Analytics.
It's one thing to haphazardly use a platform just because other businesses are doing it — and it's another thing to strategically choose which tools will actually benefit you. From comprehensive guides to Facebook advertising, developing interesting and high-quality YouTube videos to generate website traffic and using Instagram as a means of domestic and global brand outreach, this bundle covers how to leverage all the digital platforms you need to know.
There are also courses on raising brand awareness and driving sales using LinkedIn for Business, learning more about your audience using Google Analytics and even developing viral content as a social media marketer and influencer.
The sky's the limit: this Pay What You Want: The Digital Marketing Certification Training Bundle is worth $3380, but you can get it here for up to 99% off.

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