You may enjoy going to a galaxy far, far away to escape to the Star Wars universe from time to time but the talented creators and actors who brought it to life are very much in this galaxy. And they're releasing all kinds of incredible memorabilia. Perfect for the Star Wars fan in your life (especially if that's you), this memorabilia will make a one-of-a-kind gift.
All of this memorabilia comes with certificates of authenticity from one of the most reputable autograph authentication companies in the industry, ensuring that you're getting what you paid for.
The collection starts at $399.99 (33% off $599.99) with a photo of Boba Fett, hand-signed by the actor himself, Jeremy Bulloch.
However, it goes well beyond that. There's a photo of Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker's iconic lightsaber battle, signed by Darth Vader himself, David Prowse.
There's a photo of Han Solo and Chewbacca, signed by C3P-O actor Peter Mayhew, which also comes with an authentic Heavy Blaster DL-44 replica.
There's an Empire Strikes Back poster signed by actors David Prowse, James Earl Jones, Jeremy Bulloch, Anthony Daniels, Billy Dee Williams and the late, great Kenny Baker and Peter Mayhew.
Finally, there's a Return of the Jedi poster signed by actors David Prowse, James Earl Jones, and Jeremy Bulloch.
That's a lot of memorabilia! Check out the entire collection at this link.

Prices are subject to change.