Yale psychiatrist: No one would think twice about having Trump evaluated if he weren't president

"We have a responsibility to report, to warn and to protect potential victims," Dr. Bandy X. Lee says

Published April 13, 2020 2:31PM (EDT)

Donald Trump; Dr. Bandy Lee (Getty/Nicholas Kamm/Yale)
Donald Trump; Dr. Bandy Lee (Getty/Nicholas Kamm/Yale)

This article originally appeared on Raw Story


Yale psychiatrist Bandy Lee noted that if President Donald Trump wasn't the president of the United States that no one would think twice about having him evaluated for a nursing home. 

"If Donald Trump were not president, we might have wondered if these out-of-touch responses to reality warranted hospitalization or transfer to a nursing home. Because he is president, we followed them instead," she tweeted Monday, with a video showing the disturbing trend of coronavirus cases.

While President Donald Trump was promising "it will go away, just stay calm," the numbers were rising. While other countries were working to flatten their curve of infections, the United States was climbing. 

She agreed with a Twitter user asking that if someone knew that a person was going to harm themselves, they would take action to protect someone from danger. Lee noted the same is true with Trump. 

"When there is information about danger from any source, through any means, we have a responsibility to report, to warn, and to protect potential victims, whether they are already patients or not. Safety comes first," Lee explained.

By Sarah K Burris

MORE FROM Sarah K Burris

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