Donald Trump Jr.’s pre-debate appearance draws questions: "How much coke did Don Jr. snort?"

An excited performance by Donald Trump Jr. led to questions about drug use on Tuesday

Published September 30, 2020 3:46AM (EDT)

Don Jr. on Fox & Friends (Fox News)
Don Jr. on Fox & Friends (Fox News)

This article originally appeared on Raw Story


An excited performance by Donald Trump Jr. led to questions about drug use on Tuesday.

Just minutes before the first 2020 presidential debate between President Donald Trump and Vice President Joe Biden, Donald Trump Jr. was seen appearing on three major networks.

On ABC News, Donald Trump Jr. spoke quickly as he attacked Biden.

"I'm not so worried about the two hours of debate or the 90 minute debate, I'm worried about the other 22 hours of the day where Joe seems to struggle, where he's on a teleprompter," he ranted. "I mean, he hasn't had to campaign in the same way."

"I know people, honestly, George, running for first grade class president that have spent more time campaign than Joe Biden has for president of the United States," the president's son continued. "When you have a mainstream media that will sort of let him get away with that, to not answer questions, you know, so that's difficult."

He added: "So I think Joe Biden should do fine. He's been doing this for a very, very long time. This should be his happy place. So, we'll see what happens."

Twitter users reacted by suggesting Donald Trump Jr. was abusing drugs.

By David Edwards

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