Giuliani’s son says search warrant worse than being mocked on "SNL"

"I have been made fun of on 'Saturday Night Live,' that's nothing compared to this"

Published April 29, 2021 4:30AM (EDT)

Andrew Giuliani speaks to the press after the FBI executed a search warrant outside the apartment of his father, Rudy Giuliani. (Tayfun Coskun/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
Andrew Giuliani speaks to the press after the FBI executed a search warrant outside the apartment of his father, Rudy Giuliani. (Tayfun Coskun/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)

This article originally appeared on Raw Story


Andrew Giuliani, the former Trump administration official, continued to be the public face of his father's legal defense after FBI agents served a search warrant on the former New York City mayor.

On Wednesday, Andrew Giuliani held a combative press conference outside of Rudy Giuliani's apartment building.

Andrew Giuliani, who is considering running for governor of New York, followed up with an appearance on Newsmax, where he attacked the judge who signed the search warrant for his father's electronic devices.

He then tried whataboutism about Hunter Biden.

"I mean, tell me, what is going on here?" he asked. "Is this America anymore?"

He then addressed former Trump press secretary Sean Spicer.

"You and I have been made fun of on 'Saturday Night Live,' this is nothing -- that's nothing compared to this," Andrew Giuliani explained.


By Bob Brigham

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