Tom Holland clarifies comment about not wanting to play Spider-Man at 30

The actor will be webslinging once again on the big screen in "No Way Home"

Published December 14, 2021 10:19PM (EST)

Tom Holland as Peter Parker/Spider-Man in Spider-Man: Far From Home (Sony Pictures/Jay Maidment)
Tom Holland as Peter Parker/Spider-Man in Spider-Man: Far From Home (Sony Pictures/Jay Maidment)

This story originally appeared on Winter is Coming.

Tom Holland has played Peter Parker, aka Spider-Man, for years now, ever since he showed up in 2016's "Captain America: Civil War." His third solo movie as Spider-Man, "No Way Home," is about to come out, and you get the sense that there's a part of Holland that's had enough.  "If I'm playing Spider-Man after I'm 30, I've done something wrong," he recently told GQ.

At the same time, we also just learned that he's going to be in a whole other Spider-Man movie trilogy, so if he wants to leave, he wants those aircraft carriers full of money more. Backtracking a bit, he explained his "not when I'm 30" comments to Extra TV:

What I was referring to in that interview where I said, 'If I was playing Spider-Man when I'm 30, I've done something wrong,' is because I would be taking up an opportunity for someone to come in and change what being Spider-Man means. You know, Spider-Man can be more diverse, it could be a female character, it could be anything.

Indeed, Holland is eager to get some fresh blood into the franchise. "I'd like to see Miles, I'd like to see Silk. I think you could do a really cool Jackpot movie," the actor said.

At the same time, I still think there's part of him that wants out, cause he keeps saying stuff like this:

I don't know what the future of Spider-Man looks like. I don't know whether I'm going to be a part of it. Spider-Man will always live on in me, and I know that Amy [Pascal] and the studio are keen to figure out what the next chapter of Spider-Man looks like. If that happens to be with me, then that's very exciting. But, you know, if it's time for me to walk away, then I'll do so proudly.

But again, all this is moot, cause he'll be in at least three more Spider-Man movies. If the third one comes in while he's 29, he'll just sneak under his self-imposed ceiling.

Tom Holland wants to be in "Across the Spider-Verse" (Part One)

And it's not just Holland's own Spider-Man movies that he'll be a part of; he may have a voice in the upcoming sequel to "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse," which is due out next October. "Love them and I'm just waiting for the phone call," he told SyFy Wire about the animated features. "Guys, call us. Put us in your movie, we want to be in it."

The "Spider-Verse" movies actually do star Miles Morales, voiced by Shameik Moore. Sooner or later, we'll definitely get a live-action Miles Morales movie, mark my words.

In the meantime, "Spider-Man: No Way Home" comes out on December 17.

By Dan Selcke

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