Howard Stern to anti-vaxxers: "In my America, all hospitals would be closed to you"

The outspoken radio and television personality also slammed Joe Rogan and tennis star Novak Djokovic

By Joy Saha

Staff Writer

Published January 20, 2022 7:41PM (EST)

Howard Stern (Dave Kotinsky/Getty Images)
Howard Stern (Dave Kotinsky/Getty Images)

During Wednesday's episode of "The Howard Stern Show," its host took the opportunity to blast COVID anti-vaxxers.

"If it was up to me, anyone unvaccinated would not be admitted to a hospital," Stern said on his SiriusXM radio show, per Variety. "At this point, they have been given plenty of opportunity to get the vaccine.

"No one's sitting there conspiring against you," he continued. "Americans don't want to create a vaccine that's going to turn you into a robot or magnetize you. There's enough Americans now who have taken it. Look at us as a sampling where nothing has happened to us. It's time for you to get it. Now, if you don't get it, in my America, all hospitals would be closed to you. You're going to go home and die. That is what you should get. Absolutely."

RELATED: "No time for idiots": Howard Stern slams Joe Rogan for taking "horse dewormer" over COVID-19 vaccine


The outspoken television personality — who allegedly received three doses of the jab — previously made headlines last September after telling the unvaccinated to "go f**k yourself" for refusing "the cure."

"When are we gonna stop putting up with the idiots in this country and just say it's mandatory to get vaccinated? F**k 'em. F**k their freedom. I want my freedom to live," he said, per CNN. "I want to get out of the house already. I want to go next door and play chess. I want to go take some pictures. This is bulls**t."

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According to the Los Angeles Times, Stern also spoke out against controversial podcast host Joe Rogan's decision to medicate with ivermectin — a drug used to treat some parasitic infections, head lice and skin conditions in humans — following his positive COVID diagnosis.


"They go to the doctor and they'll take horse de-wormer from a doctor, like I heard Joe Rogan was saying," Stern said. "Well, a doctor would also give you a vaccine, so why take horse de-wormer?"

"Stay home, don't bother with science, it's too late. . . .  We want you to go away," he added. "We want you to leave the country. Go somewhere where they have ultimate freedom, wherever that is, some bizarro world where you don't have to take the vaccine. . . . I don't know when nonsense became such a thing."

Last week, Stern slammed Serbian tennis player Novak Djokovic for choosing to stay unvaccinated. Djokovic was slated to compete in the 2022 Australian Open but was ultimately forced to leave the country due to concerns of him being a threat to public health.

Stern labeled the athlete as "selfish," a "douchebag" and a "f**knut," according to the HuffPost.


"The joker, I call him the joker, what a f**king asshole," Stern said. "They should throw him right the f**k out of tennis. That's it. Goodbye."

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By Joy Saha

Joy Saha is a staff writer at Salon. She writes about food news and trends and their intersection with culture. She holds a BA in journalism from the University of Maryland, College Park.


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