D.C.'s Union Station "covered end to end" with swastikas

Photos of the defacement were posted to social media the day after Holocaust Remembrance Day

Published January 28, 2022 4:55PM (EST)

Dozens of swastikas and anti-Obama slogans were drawn on pillars around the exterior of Union Station in Washington. (Bill Clark/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images)
Dozens of swastikas and anti-Obama slogans were drawn on pillars around the exterior of Union Station in Washington. (Bill Clark/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images)

This article originally appeared on Raw Story


One day after Holocaust Remembrance Day, multiple people posted photos to social media showing swastikas scrawled on Washington, DC's iconic Union Station.

"There are hand-drawn swastikas all over the entrance to Union Station in DC. Almost every column," reported CBS News White correspondent Bo Erickson.

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He posted four photos showing swastikas drawn on the building's stone exterior.

Erickson was not the only person to post photos of swastikas at the station, which is a major transportation hub serving DC's Metro system, commuter rail, Metrobus, and is the souther terminus of Amtrak's Acela corridor.

Here are other images of the station posted to Twitter:

By Bob Brigham

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Dc Holocaust Remembrance Day Raw Story Swastikas Union Station Washington