Three justices ripped the majority opinion in the Wisconsin Supreme Court decision severely restricting absentee ballot drop boxes.
The 4-3 ruling means the drop boxes may be placed only in election offices and no one other than individual voters can return a ballot in person, and it goes into effect for the state's Aug. 9 primary and fall election, and the minority blasted the conservative majority for saying drop boxes cause voters "weakens" faith in elections, reported The Guardian.
"The majority/lead opinion's sky-is-falling rhetoric not only defies the facts, but also is downright dangerous to our democracy," wrote Justice Ann Walsh Bradley in her dissent. "Absent evidence that supports its statements, the majority/lead opinion still lends its imprimatur to efforts to destabilize and delegitimize recent elections."
"But concerns about drop boxes alone don't fuel the fires questioning election integrity," she added. "Rather, the kindling is primarily provided by voter suppression efforts and the constant drumbeat of unsubstantiated rhetoric in opinions like this one, not actual voter fraud."