Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes allegedly spent dues on sex workers

Ex-wife claims that while Rhodes spent lavishly, she and her six children suffered and ate canned oatmeal

Published October 9, 2022 5:00AM (EDT)

Stewart Rhodes, founder of Oath Keepers (Aaron C. Davis/The Washington Post via Getty Images)
Stewart Rhodes, founder of Oath Keepers (Aaron C. Davis/The Washington Post via Getty Images)

This article originally appeared on Raw Story


The former wife of Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes detailed how her ex-husband became a "brownshirt for Trump" in a new interview with The Daily Beast.

Tasha Adams spoke from her home in Montana as Rhodes is being held in jail on seditious conspiracy charges.

Adams first began dating Rhodes in Las Vegas in 1991.

"Rhodes treated her like an ATM," The Beast reported. "Adams says he pressured her to turn over her college fund of $4,600 so he could buy a 1967 red Camaro convertible after totaling his own car."

She recalled thinking he was "acting like a pimp" when he would grab money from her after he pressured her to become a stripper.

Adams said Rhodes was worried Y2K was going to be a disaster and bought a trailer, stuffing it with "tons of food, clothing, weapons, fuel."

Rhodes then attended Yale Law School before founding the Oath Keepers after Barack Obama was sworn-in as president in 2009.

"Soon, Oath Keepers' dues were rolling in, directly to Rhodes, says Adams, who 'spent freely on custom weapons, expensive clothing, over a hundred pairs of shoes, hundred-dollar steak dinners at the Denver airport.' Adams also claims Rhodes dropped dues money 'on hookers' and about $65,000 to sponsor Jeffrey Earnhardt in NASCAR races," The Beast reported. "Meanwhile, she and her six children ate 'dehydrated apple slices and canned oatmeal.'"

By Bob Brigham

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