"What the f**k?": NYC councilwoman kissed on the cheek by random man during live interview

During an outdoor interview in Brooklyn, Inna Vernikov received an unwelcome surprise from a stranger walking by

By Kelly McClure

Senior Culture Editor

Published August 19, 2023 4:14PM (EDT)

The Manhattan Municipal Building, at 1 Centre Street in New York City, is a 40-story building built to accommodate increased governmental space demands after the 1898 consolidation of the city's five boroughs. (RobinsonBecquart/Getty Images)
The Manhattan Municipal Building, at 1 Centre Street in New York City, is a 40-story building built to accommodate increased governmental space demands after the 1898 consolidation of the city's five boroughs. (RobinsonBecquart/Getty Images)

During a live interview conducted on a sidewalk in Brooklyn earlier this week, NYC Councilwoman Inna Vernikov received an unwelcome surprise from a man walking by who interrupted her conversation to plant a kiss on her cheek. The moment was captured on video, which you can watch below, and shows Vernikov responding appropriately to the creepy assault, turning to watch the man walk away while delivering a firmly worded,  "What the f**k?" Sharing the footage to social media after the fact, she commented on the event writing, "Not the kind of love I expect from constituents!"  

According to the New York Police Department, there is no complaint report on file regarding the incident, but many of her peers have jumped to her defense. "This disgusting behavior is unfortunately all too common in the day to day lives of women," tweeted Councilwoman Marjorie Velazquez. "We can not let sexual assault become a normalized part of our public interactions."

"This isn't funny in the slightest," wrote Councilman Robert Holden. "It's amazing how many creeps are walking the streets!"


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