Property in Park City, Kansas once belonging to Dennis Rader — AKA, the "BTK Killer" — is the location of a new investigation into possible connections to cold cases. Now just an empty field, The Wichita Eagle reports that two concrete blocks were moved near the killer's former home on Tuesday to allow investigators to dig. "The theory is he could have placed evidence of cases under stone pavers under the metal shed he built in the early to mid-90s. Like drivers licenses in jars," Rader's estranged daughter Kerri Rawson told Fox News.
"Our investigation has led to additional unsolved murders and missing persons that are possibly connected to BTK," Osage County Undersheriff Gary Upston told NBC News on Wednesday; adding that there may be a "possible connection" to the disappearance of Cynthia Kinney, who was reported missing from Oklahoma in 1976.
Rader was sentenced to 10 consecutive life terms in 2005 for the murder of at least ten people during a killing spree that took place between 1974 and 1991. The name he's most commonly referred to as ("BTK") stands for "bind, torture and kill," a description of the brutal means in which his enacted his crimes. Between 1974 and 1988, he worked at the Wichita-based office of ADT Security Services, installing security systems for homeowners looking to protect themselves — unknowingly — from the very man installing them. Now 78-years-old, he's currently held at the El Dorado Correctional Facility in Kansas, where he'll remain until he dies.