Late night show comedians Jimmy Kimmel, Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart are not taking their foot off Donald Trump's neck for his public fumble discussing the Battle of Gettysburg.
During a rally outside of Allentown, Penn., on Sunday, the former president was stumbling over his words and rambling incoherently about the battle.
"Gettysburg, what an unbelievable battle that was. I mean, it was so much and so interesting and so vicious and horrible and so beautiful in so many different ways," Trump said. "It represented such a big portion of the success this country. Gettysburg, wow."
On "The Daily Show," Stewart snarkily said, “That is plagiarized almost directly from my seventh grade book report: ‘Gettysburg. Wow,'”
Trump also confusingly brought up Confederate General Robert E. Lee, “The statement of Robert E. Lee, who’s no longer in favor . . . ‘Never fight uphill, me boys.'"
Trump's use of "me boys" has sparked memes and jokes around Irish accents and pirates. Stewart even joked, “I’m pretty sure that Robert E. Lee was not a leprechaun."
Kimmel quipped, “You have to hand it to this guy: On the weekend before his unprecedented criminal trial begins, he somehow manages to overshadow it with this broken-brained interpretation of what happened at Gettysburg during the Civil War."
Colbert highlighted that Trump is a “stirring orator. I look forward to Ken Burns’ updated documentary.”