Donald Trump went after Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., in a late-night rant on TruthSocial after the former House Speaker called Trump’s debate performance a “manifesto of lies.”
Trump wrote that Pelosi is more “cognitively impaired” than President Joe Biden, who has been heavily criticized for his weak debate performance last Thursday.
“She is suffering from TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME, sometimes referred to as TDS, and her case is terminal!” Trump continued.
In an interview with MSNBC’s Jen Psaki on Sunday, Pelso was asked to share a moment from the debate that people could watch to understand the threat Trump poses.
“Stiff competition for that moment. Because it was a constant manifesto, again of lies,” Pelosi replied. “As you may recall I tore up his speech at the State of the Union because it was a total manifesto of lies. And that’s what we saw the other night, which must be rejected, as well as his candidacy.”
This is just one of many exchanges in the Trump-Pelosi feud. Along with ripping up Trump’s speech in 2020, Pelosi has previously called for an “intervention” to save America from Trump. He’s been referring to her as “Crazy Nancy” for years.
Pelosi acknowledged Biden’s weak performance at the debate, but said he at least answered honestly when it came to questions of policy.
“How can you have a legitimate debate when somebody’s totally lying and you have to dispel their falsehoods?” Pelosi said.
Pelosi reiterated her support for Biden and said he represents “integrity, concern for people." Trump, by contrast, stands for “dishonesty, and self-serving lies.”