Jiminy jillikers! On "The Simpsons," Milhouse will sound a little different as voice actor retires

Watch as Pamela Hayden bids adieu to Bart's best friend and the other characters she voiced over 35 years

Published November 21, 2024 1:14PM (EST)

The Simpsons  (FOX)
The Simpsons (FOX)

Pamela Hayden, the voice actor who has played Millhouse on "The Simpsons," announced her retirement after 35 years on the animated comedy.

The actor's final episode titled "Treehouse of Horror Presents: Simpsons Wicked This Way Comes,” will air on Sunday, Nov. 24. Hayden has voiced Milhouse Van Houten, Bart Simpson's blue-haired and red glasses-wearing best friend for 35 years since the show's first episode in 1989.

In a retirement announcement video posted to AniDom's YouTube page, Hayden shared, “People come up to me and they quote Milhouse lines.”

She continued, “People are always saying what a nerd he is. But one thing that I love about Milhouse is he’s always getting knocked down, but he keeps getting up. I love the little guy.”

In the video, various clips of Milhouse's best scenes played and archival footage of Hayden is also shared. She said, "Who knew that it was become this phenomenon? It's the greatest job in the world!"

Besides Milhouse, she has voiced characters like school bully Jimbo Bones, Ned Flanders’ sons Rod and occasionally Todd, Chief Wiggum’s wife Sarah and Lisa’s friend Janey Powell. Hayden has been credited for 694 episodes of the FOX animated sitcom. Variety reported that the show will now begin casting new voice actors for her several characters.


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