October 23, 2007 Archive October 2007
Not that there's anything wrong with that
Anonymous Liberal for Glenn Greenwald: The incoherence of the competing rationales for war with Iran
Why does Glenn Beck hate California so much?
Keeping up with GOP flip-floppers
Roundup: Pole dancing for preteens
Red State Update: Dick Cheney's family tree
My boss says I'm a lesbian but I'm not!
Apple reports a Mac sales record
Blackwater's run for the border
Dumbledore? Gay. J.K. Rowling? Chatty.
When is a bra strap just a bra strap?
Huckabee: "I'll stick with God"
Pam Spaulding for Glenn Greenwald: Straight sex-predator teachers, ENDA and paranoid fundamentalists
What is James Inhofe trying to keep secret?
How about a broomstick and a black hat?
Apple and China: A one-stop solution
Anonymous Liberal for Glenn Greenwald: FISA reform and the honesty gap
One of these things is not like the other
Chris Floyd for Glenn Greenwald: Rain of terror in the U.S. air war in Iraq