Britney and Lindsay go to college
See? See why I get hysterical?!?
Bush's plans falter, al-Qaida establishes new base of operations
Auto-replace is not always your friend
Bateman: Gen. Clark on how McCain may not be all that experienced
Red State Update: How does freedom really sound?
Women watch porn to please men?
Obama on pride -- and dissent -- in America
Can't Darwin and God get along?
Why Obama will soon land in Europe
My husband's sighs are driving me up the wall!
The Obama campaign's past two weeks
Clark feels the heat, but stands his ground
On the faith-based initiative, Obama's way isn't Bush's way
Some dangeous chemicals with your vampy pout?
Before you pick up that Gillette Mach3, mister
Next stop, 30 percent approval ratings
Doug Fine's excellent nanny goat adventure
Obama takes a stand against gay marriage ban
Quote of the day: Lt. Gen. Claudia Kennedy