November 05, 2008 Archive November 2008
Election Day blogging (2:30 p.m. EST thread)
It's official: Obama will win, thanks to the Redskins
Top 10 songs to rock your Obama victory party
Investors want change: Dow closes up 305
More of your Election Day stories
Heavy Democratic turnout in Va. includes new immigrant enclaves
Election Day blogging (4:30 p.m. EST thread)
A record number of women serving in Congress in 2009?
Arlen Specter hopes for the Bradley effect
Blacks keep high hopes on down low
More Election Day stories from readers
Election Day blogging (6 p.m. EST thread)
"The black people in Gary, Ind., are racist"
Michael Nutter on Black Panther alarm: "It's nonsense"
The Black Panthers are coming!
Election Day blogging (7 p.m. EST thread)
Polls closed in first group of states
Mark Warner replaces John Warner
One more batch of your Election Day stories
The end of a long journey for Obama
Polls close in three more states
Obama to Virginia: Keep voting!
A bellwether race in South Florida
Election Day blogging (8 p.m. EST thread)
Some networks call Pennsylvania for Obama
Polls close in 15 more states, D.C.
Fox, CBS call Kay Hagan the winner in North Carolina
The battle for Colorado, writ small
It's official: Pa. for Obama, McCain's hopes dwindling
Election Day blogging (9 p.m. EST thread)
Four Dem Senate pickups: Shaheen and Udall
CNN debuts hologram technology to beam people in 3-D
Is a miracle out there, waiting for John McCain?
MSNBC, Fox call Ohio for Obama
Election Day blogging (10 p.m. EST thread)
Iowa, where it all began, goes to Obama
Shays, last GOP congressman in New England, loses
Virginia Democrats confident despite a tight race
Election Day blogging (11 p.m. EST thread)
Florida and Colorado add icing to Obama's cake
Election Day blogging (wee hours EST thread)
Obama: "Change has come to America"
South Dakota abortion ban fails
Bachmann snatches victory back from jaws of defeat
Ayers speaks: "They made me into a cartoon character"
Down-ballot, Dems get wave, but not a huge one
Election Day blogging (wee small hours)
Drift into marriage? Or break up and start fresh?
Voting machine fraud, pollster bias and the Bradley effect
Fake text messages give false voting information
Three huge, immediate reasons to be happy about last night
The journey ends for John McCain
Coleman declares victory over Franken in Minnesota
California same-sex marriage ban too close to call
Quote of the day: "We are all Americans"