January 07, 2009 Archive January 2009
Biden criticizes handling of Panetta pick
News from Macworld: Recording industry declares surrender
Obama: Civilian deaths in Gaza, Israel "source of deep concern"
Report: CNN's Gupta Obama's choice for surgeon general
Hooters likes boobs, not bruises
Polynesian chickens in Peru and other mysteries
Bateman: Ann Coulter on presidential assassins
"Dangerous High School Girls in Trouble!"
His money allowed him to deny he's an alcoholic
The Holocaust memoir so heartwarming it had to be fake
The DOJ pursues the "real criminal" in the NSA spying scandal
Will the salmon be back in 2009?
No wonder Don Larsen was perfect
George W. Bush, environmentalist
Labor report: "Shockingly awful"
What ban? Coulter appears on "Today"
How the Madoff mess hits women
Could Sarah Palin win a Senate race?