August 14, 2014 Archive August 2014
Can a machine provide reliable mental health counseling?
Maryam Mirzakhani becomes first woman awarded math's "Nobel Prize"
Tea Party star defends absurdly racist campaign flyer
GOP's shady "news" websites: Republicans get into the propaganda game
Will the zoos of the future be cage-free?
California man sues doctor for listing homosexuality as a "chronic condition"
“Dinosaur 13”: Why Fox News would have had a field day with T.rex
"He slammed my head against the glass": Ferguson police arrest HuffPost, WaPo reporters
Nightmare in Ferguson: Cops become a brutal occupying force
Stanford professor 1st woman to win top math prize
George R.R. Martin: I'm not going to write gay sex scenes just for the sake of doing it
George W. Bush's false heroes: The real story of a secret Washington sham
Gun nuts' alcohol debacle: Why their new booze scheme is the scariest yet
Ferguson's massive problem: What Mike Brown's death means for black families
More proof that the religious right's "family values" obsession is really about misogyny
Nigeria confirms 1 more Ebola case
"You're welcome. I'm awesome!" Rick Perry's rebranding is full of self-delusion
Bill Maher: "You could just tell there was a humanity in Robin Williams"
4 disgraceful ways conservatives are trying to derail medical marijuana
A nerdy Taylor Swift joins Jimmy Fallon for teen girl sketch "Ew!"
Release the officer's name: It's time to stop shielding Michael Brown's killer
One nation under SWAT: How America's police became an occupying force
Canada donates 1,000 doses of Ebola vaccine; WHO says drug is likely still months away
Watch never-before-seen footage of Michael Jackson in music video for "A Place With No Name"
ICYMI: Oxford Dictionaries adds "mansplain" and "douchebaggery"
Average US 30-year mortgage rate at 4.12 percent
The darkest summer hits of all time
Jimmy Fallon brings the ice bucket challenge to the "Tonight Show"
Meet the farmer who instilled a love for Lorde in his cattle
Republican Governor compares Detroit floods to a leak at his lake house
Black America's everyday reality: Ferguson and the world that terrorizes us
Reports: Gov. Nixon to remove St. Louis County police from Ferguson
Joe Scarborough's police apologism: Being arrested was the reporters' own fault
Thanks to rising beef prices, "pink slime" is making a comeback
Orwell Estate rep likens Amazon to the Ministry of Truth, accuses retailer of "doublespeak"
Young men don't think they need consent for anal sex
Police strike back at Anonymous over identity of Michael Brown's shooter
Ticking clocks can literally speed up fertility
Rush Limbaugh lashes out at media for outrage over his tasteless Robin Williams comment
How did the Ferguson Police get such sophisticated weaponry?
“Are the white women wearing actual chains?”: Meet the abortion rights group Texas feminists oppose
Obama: No excuse for excessive police force in Ferguson
All hell has broken loose: When law enforcement is law and order's biggest threat
"The Giver": A lukewarm dystopia that arrives years too late
Claire McCaskill: The police have "become the problem instead of the solution"
Robin Williams' wife reveals beloved actor had Parkinson's
The right's sneaky antiabortion plot: Using obscure property regulations to close providers
Anonymous' Twitter account suspended in conjunction with Ferguson protests
Starbucks's HR fail: Why you can't raise kids unless you know your work schedule in advance
Following the harassment of Zelda Williams, Twitter vows to "improve" trolling policies
"Keep your plan" bites back: The ACA fix that could cause new headaches for Obama
Joseph Gordon-Levitt: "I'd absolutely call myself a feminist"