December 09, 2014 Archive December 2014
How much pleasure will we lose if we eat less junk food?
"Homeland" is back on top: How the supporting cast saved the show
Items on the agenda of the lame-duck Congress
Rand Paul's "anti-torture" sham: Why his ignoring CIA scandal says so much
Richard Dawkins: "Is there a men's rights movement?"
Colbert vs. Obama: The battle of the century
Fracking chemicals' untold threat to reproductive health
California's drought was the worst in over 1,200 years
Aaron Sorkin responds to "Newsroom" writer's tweets about campus rape episode
Republicans promise new congressional push for 20-week abortion ban
Why everything you think you know about fatty foods might be wrong
Fox's mortifying Limbaugh spat: Titans of GOP clash over government shutdown
Figures on government spending and debt
This incredible montage of movie trailers proves 2014 was a great year for film
My Whole Foods nightmare: How a full-time job there left me in poverty
"Twitter mimics real society": Biz Stone on social media's role in Ferguson and the Eric Garner case
Rape, justice and the Internet: What Rolling Stone and "The Newsroom" reveal about us
AP Top Sports News At 7 p.m. EST
To my white male Facebook friends
Los Angeles proposes sweeping upgrades for quakes
The 5 most insidious conspiracy theories of 2014
How winter is evolving across America, by region
GOP's bloody '16 nightmare: Why rich donors' dream of party unity is doomed
Democrats vs. the New Deal: Who really runs the party -- and why it might surprise you
James O'Keefe's "victim" farce: A con artist's vile new attempt to raise cash
Father of UVA rape victim on Rolling Stone controversy: "My daughter told the truth"
"China holds the key to the future of elephants": New report condemns country's ivory trade
"Beyond comprehension": Nancy Pelosi blasts Chuck Schumer's Obamacare criticism
House Republican to introduce bill acknowledging the reality of climate change
Five Cosby accusers sit down with CNN, all say they were drugged
Lena Dunham reportedly "tweaking" her book after legal threat
Horror in American nursing homes: The dangerous practice that they keep getting away with
Jon Stewart blasts "jackass" Fox News host Brian Kilmeade
Chris Rock's new movie "Top Five" is really a Chris Rock think piece
"I'm an unreliable narrator": Why Lena Dunham's Barry mistake is bad news for all memoirists
Ted Cruz, Tea Party presidential hopeful and...former anti-rape activist?
Colbert's best Obama zingers: Ranking the jokes from his Obama interview, from tame to risqué
Rudy Giuliani's white backlash junk: America’s race warrior returns
The dangerous myth at the heart of conservative ideology
"You need to be educated": The problem with the Republican search for evidence of racism
McConnell's promise to fail: New Senate leader pledges to pretend to try to kill Obamacare
Albert Einstein's profound observations on entrenched racism in America
What McDonald's still isn't telling you about its chicken nuggets
10 appalling findings in the Senate's torture report