The Planned Parenthood hoax has devolved into a string of Nazi comparisons
How the Dow Jones industrial average fared on Thursday
Wyatt Cenac: Jon Stewart told me to “f*ck off” after I challenged him on racially charged impression
"Southpaw": A gripping, conflicted fable of a white champ in an imagined America
AP Top Sports News At 11 p.m. EDT
17 shocking stats that show how the 1 percent have ruined New Orleans
6 fascinating facts about sex around the world
Robert Reich: Goldman Sachs and Wall Street "masterful" at exploiting Greece
We get it, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. You're friends.
Obama's Jon Stewart problem: What "The Daily Show" and Colbert should have taught him about Fox News
How we're failing Sandra Bland: Mainstream feminists need to do more to fight for women of color
Amy Schumer tweets sadness, devastation after "Trainwreck" shooting
Paul Krugman: Republicans are "determined to learn nothing from experience"
GOP fearmongering just reached an outlandish new height: Inside the Iranian electromagnetic menace
"It's really long overdue": Why Obama's new anti-segregation rules are coming decades late
William Shatner not amused by Ted Cruz's claim that Captain Kirk "is quite likely a Republican"
"People choose their villain": Chris Hayes on the epic battles surrounding California's drought
Bobby Jindal, shameful hypocrite: Only answers for gun violence are hugs, shrugs and prayers
Hulk Hogan “n-word” audio surfaces: Legendary wrestler purged from WWE website (UPDATED)
The Daily Donald: Trump shocker: "I identify with some things as a Democrat"
Jon Stewart declares Trump the human equivalent of a “hot dog-crust pizza”
Nick Denton: The "new" Gawker to be "20 percent nicer" -- or maybe "10 to 15 percent"
Sandra Bland is dead: It is time to erase the “All Lives Matter” mantra
"Good" news for Rick Perry: Now he's only facing one felony charge!
You Must Hear This! Maxine Brown's "Stop"
Hulk Hogan apologizes for "n-word" audio: "This is not who I am"
Ted Cruz torches Mitch McConnell's character -- and yet he won't do the same to Donald Trump
Highway to healthcare repeal: Mitch McConnell's wildly cynical new strategy
There's no such thing as "TMI": Talking openly about the body is a feminist act
Another shoddy Clinton smear: Anatomy of the New York Times' epic email screw-up
How many Americans must die before we rethink the Second Amendment?
These are believed to be the hateful, horrific two tweets from Lafayette shooter John Russell Houser
Jon Stewart isn't perfect — and why should we expect him to be?