October 03, 2015 Archive October 2015
Tennessee Republican's deranged reaction to Oregon shooting: Christians must now arm themselves
An Oregon teacher's letter to lawmakers: We don't need your prayers, we need your courage
The party of lying liars: Welcome to the frightening new post-truth GOP
Bill Maher smacks down GOP's "supply-side Jesus"
Stop listening to these clowns: Economists' bad ideas have been damaging our economy for years
Cracker: Driving is the best way to listen to music
Secrets of the GOP science war: How spin-masters and pundits confuse conservatives about facts
Monsanto's migraine: The biotech giant is facing one fiasco after another
"My partner left me because I can't have children": Women who face infertility share their stories
The Catholic Church's South American shame
Trump and Putin's crazy bromance: Two guys too weird for fiction who long to rule the world