October 19, 2015 Archive October 2015
Our post-Snowden TV paranoia: "Homeland," "Quantico" and privacy inside the surveillance state
Babies ruined my orgasm: How trying to have kids sucked all the pleasure out of sex
"I think I remember saying no": The sexual assaults were harder to get over than my drinking
One third of vegetarians eat meat when they're drunk
Ted Cruz's dad has a very sketchy resume: Rafael Cruz's credentials are exaggerated, at best
Donald Trump is a new breed of demagogue
You can date this Don Juan of the New York City subway while you wait for your train
The 5 best moments from Tracy Morgan's nostalgia-fueled “SNL” return
Jeb Bush is on a kamikaze mission: Trying to destroy Donald Trump, he's only destroying himself
No Haitians need apply: Horribly racist help wanted ad sparks outrage, investigation
"Your walls will never cage our freedom": Black-Palestinian solidarity video goes viral
They want America to fail: The Tea Party far right hates the GOP -- and their own country
Hot Chip covers Springsteen's "Dancing In the Dark" with the most amazing retro '80s video ever
America's dumbest governor appoints creationist as education commissioner: Today in Tea Party lunacy
Stop cheering for the old "Hands off my daughter!" shtick
He's always been a jackass: I read Donald Trump's favorite book — his own — so you don't have to
Fox News anchor: Oops, sorry we let that fake CIA con man spread right-wing myths for 13 years!
"Oh my God, I just shot myself! I just got my conceal and carry"
The Bush brothers vs. Donald Trump: Guess whom the right is siding with in the latest GOP civil war
Donald Trump is destroying Jeb Bush: Why his 9/11 gambit could be the last straw
Hillary Clinton isn't even the nominee -- but a GOP congressman is already vowing to impeach her
"Don’t vote for Ho Chi Chin": Racist signs smear Maine candidate challenging welfare-shaming mayor
"Thomas Jefferson never said that!": John Oliver shames Clinton, Reagan and the Tea Party
5 worst right-wing moments of the week -- Ann Coulter gets humbled on national television
Trey Gowdy's hurt feelings: Benghazi fraudster flails as his farce flops
Jeb Bush is completely toast: Donald Trump and Jake Tapper just ended all White House dreams