October 28, 2015 Archive October 2015
"Trump is a joke but racism isn't funny": Fans urge "SNL" to dump Donald Trump as host
Watch Pavement surprise a Pavement tribute band on stage
Sam Brownback is a harbinger of national doom: Bleeding Kansas' scary lesson for America
Censored UN paper calling for decriminalization marks beginning of the end of drug war as we knew it
The pedophile I could not help: He was not a monster or a molester. The system destroyed him anyway
9 interesting facts about sex in the animal kingdom
Paul Ryan doesn't stand a chance: The Freedom Caucus will devour the next Speaker of the House
"Does anyone have a plan?" Here's how we fix decades of overseas neo-conservative adventurism
Hillary Clinton's progressive problem: Explaining the past she can't quite manage to escape
Stephen Colbert to Hillary Clinton: I didn't like you very much on my old show
GOP debate tensions finally boil over: Campaigns blow up at CNBC and the RNC over greenrooms
The clown show continues: Jeb Bush might be down to his very last chance
She was guilty of being a black girl: The mundane terror of police violence in American schools
Steve Jobs didn't build that: The truth about the Mac empire you won't learn from his biopic
Your school is becoming a police state: The shocking, Orwellian rise of "school resource officers"
Paul Ryan's favorite welfare myth gets torn to shreds: Now the GOP candidates must answer for it
Just as "Saturday Night Live" predicted, Wes Anderson wants to make a horror film
Behind the horror - what you didn't know about your favorite scary movies
Wil Wheaton is right: Stop expecting artists to work for free — or worse, for "exposure"
Kasich's exasperated howl: Fading in the 2016 polls, Ohio's governor lashes out at the GOP
Don Lemon doubles down on dumb, still unsure if Spring Valley video captures excessive force
Their lips are moving. They're lying: Ben Carson, Rand Paul and the right-wing's truthiness problem
Let there be light: Handwritten draft of King James Bible reveals the secrets of its creation
Let's boot Paul, Christie and Huckabee: Fewer go-nowhere candidates would make a better debate
5 classic “SNL” sports sketches: Here's why the new "SNL" sports comedy site is going to be amazing