November 12, 2015 Archive November 2015
It's going to be Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio: Look out, two poised, glib BS artists are on the move
The decline and fall of White America: Inside the study that has shocked the public-health community
The GOP's pathological militarism: These dangerous neocons belong nowhere near the White House
Ben Carson rails against "secular progressive" boogeyman at Liberty University
Ben Carson's demented snake oil: Fox News, black conservatives, and the role of race in the GOP
The gloves came off: Watch the most heated battles at last night's GOP debate
“Unwanted twerking” isn't a joke: Sexual abuse charges shouldn't make cute headlines
Alec Baldwin gets it right: Parents don't have to be weird about their adult children's sex lives
The GOP debate was a blizzard of garbage: Sorting through last night's mess of lies and crazy
All the candidates did was lie about China in the GOP debate
"Did you kill anybody?": 9 things not to ask returning vets
I got slimed by Marco Rubio: The massive debate fail shows off his ignorance
Republicans must hate the middle class: The most startling revelation of the GOP debate
The 10 most obscene lies from the fourth GOP debate
This man is a wingnut: Why Marco Rubio is as extreme as the rest of the lot
GOP's Obamacare lie-fest: "Post-truth" politics dominated the Republican debate
"Donald Trump only wants women on stage after he's awarded them some kind of sash"
"Look, Trump is stupid": Larry Wilmore blasts the ever-growing idiocy of the GOP
There is no war on cops: Police threats against Tarantino are totally unacceptable
The GOP's totalitarian nightmare: Donald Trump's immigration plan is insane—and insanely popular
Bernie Sanders picks up his biggest union endorsement yet: U.S. postal workers are feeling the Bern
The GOP primary is this much of a disaster: The Koch brothers won't even endorse anyone
Here's yet another issue where Bernie blows Hillary out of the water: Marijuana reform
Donald Trump battles Bill O'Reilly over Vladimir Putin's "gangster" image: "Bill, he's a tough guy!"
Animal porn, sex dolls, illicit photos - Check out this exclusive NSFW peek inside the Museum of Sex
U.S. imperialism was the real winner of the presidential debate