Despite 4 years trapped in embassy, Assange says WikiLeaks has "very big year" ahead
Paul Giamatti and Ethan Hawke break down their good cop/bad cop roles in "The Phenom"
Unveiling the international tickle-porn conspiracy -- it's not as funny as you think
Trump would level the economy: Moody's calls the GOP nominee's proposals a disaster in the making
The Folly of American Air Power: The U.S. Air Force produces only human suffering
The 8 most popular jobs in the marijuana industry
Defecting Democrats, Trump and bitterness: Why Jill Stein just might turn November upside down
The Corey News Network: This is not the CNN that trailblazed cable TV journalism
Sheriff's deputies shot in LA suburb; search on for shooter
Celebrities on Twitter react to stunning #Brexit vote with gallows humor -- and actual despair
Great Britain in turmoil after stunning Brexit from EU
WATCH: Tavis Smiley dismantles "race-mongering" Brexit arguments of Fox & Friends co-hosts
As a British citizen, I am oscillating between sadness and rage: Brexit is the worst of times
WATCH: Jimmy Kimmel asks Trump supporters what it would take for The Donald to lose their vote
Mom hair vs. dad bods: The double standard for parents is alive and well
The Latest: Clinton, Sanders allies review draft platform
President Obama designates Stonewall as first U.S. momument to LGBT rights movement
Celebs couldn't stop Brexit: J.K. Rowling, Eddie Izzard and more urged Remain — to no avail
Obama, Hillary, Ryan react to United Kingdom's stunning exit from the EU
Shocked about Brexit? Watch UK voters explain why they voted to leave the European Union
The Syria dilemma: Dissecting the leaked diplomats memo calling for Obama to get tougher on Assad
News that will shock exactly no woman: Female body confidence is at an all-time low