October 07, 2019 Archive October 2019
Walmart to give workers financial incentives to use higher-quality doctors
Scientists have shown the perfect way to make pancakes, and that has huge implications
Posting on Facebook is helping nonprofits of all sizes raise money
"This is not acceptable": Congress should use impeachment to warn future presidents
Impeachment in the hall of mirrors: Will this battle save democracy — or end it?
Rural hospital closings reach crisis stage, leaving millions without nearby health care
Understanding Trump's most lunatic conspiracy theory: Hillary and Ukraine are after him!
Elaine Chao favored Kentuckians represented by husband Mitch McConnell in grant meetings: report
Trump sees support in Florida slowly disappear, which could cripple his re-election chances: report
President Trump wins delay in New York court fight to keep tax returns secret
Trump calls for Pelosi to be "immediately impeached" after suggesting that she committed treason
Meghan McCain rebukes Republican silence after Trump abandons the Kurds: “Unpatriotic cowards"
Cowardly Republicans learn the hard way: Donald Trump was never their friend
Colin Powell calls out GOP in Trump era: “The Republican Party has got to get a grip on itself"
Harvard psychologist calls out Trump tweets: "Wouldn’t these normally trigger a mental health hold?"
House Democrats subpoena Pentagon for documents related to Ukraine as impeachment inquiry heats up
Trump apologist Lindsey Graham calls in to "Fox & Friends" to rebuke Trump's Syria withdrawal
Will ordaining married priests save the Catholic Church from decline?
"South Park" banned in China after new episode lampoons government censorship: report
Fans of violent films unlikely to be psychopaths, study says
The long-awaited "Rick and Morty" Season 4 trailer is filled with chaos and questions
Energy Secretary Rick Perry denies pressing Ukraine on energy company, says he's not resigning
October must-reads: "Call Me by Your Name" sequel to memoirs galore
What happens when a corporation colonizes a country?
How can "Saturday Night Live" parody a farcical administration?