February 26, 2020 Archive February 2020
Psychiatrist asserts that Trump’s Weinstein rant was "a symptom" of dementia
Bloomberg campaign deletes tweets containing fake quotes of Sanders praising despotism
How the U.S. Intelligence community is intervening in the 2020 election
Trump unbound: President escalates attacks on the courts — and reporters do stenography
Bernie and Bloomberg get battered in S.C. debate — but does it even matter?
Consumer advocates continue to push funeral homes on price transparency
In shadow of Trump's India visit, New Delhi sees worst attacks on Muslims in decades
Democrats aren't facing the big question: What will they do if Trump won't leave office?
The FBI is investigating massive embezzlement of Border Patrol union funds
Trump in India: Anti-Muslim prime minister puts on a big show, bamboozles our president
Oregon Republicans shut down state Senate and run away to block climate bill
Did Bloomberg buy the debate crowd? $1,750+ ticket prices for South Carolina debate spark outrage
Mike Bloomberg catches himself saying he “bought” congressional seats at debate
Please, can we not let the 2020 election turn into another Boomer Greatest Hits retread?
Hank Azaria wants to "make up" for his racist voicing of Apu on "The Simpsons"
Harvey Weinstein accusers question his hospitalization, use of a walker post-conviction
Pete Davidson considers leaving "SNL," says castmates "think I'm f**king dumb"
Another Biden gaffe: Campaign admits his tale of arrest while visiting Nelson Mandela is false
"Greed," a satire about the filthy rich, is as subtle as Steve Coogan's blindingly white teeth
How the fallout from Gabriel Fernandez's harrowing murder inspired Netflix's must-watch docuseries