Jacob Danziger, a founding member of Flashpapr and a frequent member of His Name Is Alive, has also recorded a few beautiful records of solo violin and electronic music. This track is a spiky thicket of violin scrapes and harmonics, more or less static for 10 minutes. Like a Jackson Pollock painting, you can perceive it as an undifferentiated mass of activity, or you can go exploring in the deep nooks and crannies between splashes of sound. What makes it so sweet is the three-note repeating pizzicato pattern, above which the whole enchanted mass of sound levitates in suspended animation.
Free Download: "For Brian"
Daily Download: "For Brian," Jacob Danziger, from "Naming Distances"
Daily Download: "For Brian," Jacob Danziger, from "Naming Distances"
By Salon Staff
Published February 24, 2005 8:01AM (EST)

By Salon Staff
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