Top Dems consider intervening in race

Harry Reid says he, Nancy Pelosi and Howard Dean might press superdelegates to make their endorsements public, but not until at least June.

Published April 24, 2008 9:22PM (EDT)

How's this for some leadership from the Democrats? Harry Reid, the Senate majority leader, says he, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Democratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean might demand that those superdelegates who have not yet publicly declared their preference hurry up and do so. Of course, the three of them would be doing this by letter. In June. Maybe.

The Politico's Crypt blog reports that, on Thursday, Reid told reporters, "People will have plenty of opportunity after the last primary on June 2 to make a decision about what they are going to do." But, he said, "the three of us, we may write a joint letter [to superdelegates]. We might do individual letters. We are in contact with each other."

By Alex Koppelman

Alex Koppelman is a staff writer for Salon.

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