T.G.I. Freaky!

More gubernatorial sex! Yay!

Published March 18, 2008 4:00PM (EDT)

Are you experiencing a Spitzer sex-story hangover? Are you bereft at having to live through an entire workday without any titillating tales of the booty-lovin' lives of your elected officials? Are you hungry for more news about how your leaders get their groove on?

Fear not, brave readers! The McGreevey family is here to ensure that your day of news consumption will not be a pure one!

Perhaps smarting from having been pushed aside for Hooker-gate, the fabulous feuding first couple of New Jersey are stealing headlines again. This time, it's McGreevey's former aide and driver Teddy Pedersen, who is claiming that back in the day, he and his boss and his boss's girlfriend (then wife), Dina Matos, engaged in regular threesomes.

Pedersen tells the New York Post that they had a little ritual they called their "Friday Night Special," in which they would head over to T.G.I. Friday's, have a few drinks, then head back to Jim McGreevey's pad for "a hard-core consensual sex orgy."


Pedersen's claims would cast into serious doubt Matos McGreevey's assertions (repeated last week during her commentary on the Spitzer story) that she had not an inkling during her marriage that her husband was gay. The McGreeveys are currently engaged in an ugly divorce battle. Matos McGreevey has issued a vehement denial of Pedersen's claims, which reads in part, "This all has to do with the publicity I have received since Governor Spitzer resigned. Jim has enlisted one of his cronies in trying to distinguish that situation from his own, and to discredit me in the media. He cannot stand it when I am receiving attention in the media rather than him."

For his part, McGreevey confirmed his aide's account of the threesomes, telling the Associated Press, "This happened, this happened in the past, and now we need to move on with our lives."

Stay classy, kids!

By Rebecca Traister

Rebecca Traister writes for Salon. She is the author of "Big Girls Don't Cry: The Election that Changed Everything for American Women" (Free Press). Follow @rtraister on Twitter.

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